Epicentres continued efforts to innovate, has led to the development of a novel technique designed to capture and analyse active mRNA translation. With ARTseqTM Ribosome Profiling, one can purify and deep sequence ribosome protected mRNA fragments, providing a “snapshot” of all the ribosomes active in a cell at a specific time point. Current methods to isolate polysomes and monosomes rely on several hours of ultracentrifugation. However, the ARTseqTM Ribosome Profiling Kit’s specific method uses size exclusion chromatography in disposable spin columns to achieve a much simpler and more rapid workflow, without the need for expensive equipment.Ribosome Profiling can be applied to various studies including; gene expression analysis, translational start site identification, global protein synthesis rates, protein abundance measurements, de novo protein identification, amongst others. In addition, methods have been explored and improved for depleting unwanted contaminants such as tRNA and rRNA, nuclease digestion steps and aspects of library construction. This cost effective, stream lined method is compatible with sequencing on Illumina’s instruments. ARTseqTM Ribosome Profiling continues to gain massive interest across the world, with many high impact publications being produced; including, Hsieh AC et al. NATURE 2012, Ingolia NT et al. CELL 2011, and Bazzini AA et al. SCIENCE 2012.