Oral Presentation 26th Lorne Cancer Conference 2014

Targeting the proangiogenic and immunosuppressive tumour microenvironment in primary and metastatic breast cancer (#3)

Davide Moi 1 2 , Giulia Escobar 2 , Shannon Lee 1 , Mario Squadrito 2 3 , Ferdinando Pucci 2 4 , Michele De Palma 2 3 , Luigi Naldini 2 , Roberta Mazzieri 1 2
  1. Faculty of Medicine, Translational Research Institute,, The University of Queensland Diamantina Institute, Brisbane, Qld, Australia
  2. Division of Regenerative Medicine, Stem Cells and Gene Therapy, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy
  3. ISREC, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
  4. Center for Systems Biology, Richard B. Simches Research Center, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related death in women and metastases are more deadly than primary tumours, yet the development of anti-metastatic therapies has been hampered by a limited understanding of the underlying biology and a subsequent lack of drug targets. One area of cancer biology that shows promise in identifying new drugable targets is the tumour microenvironment. We identified and characterized a subpopulation of pro-tumoural macrophages: the Tie2-expressing monocytes/macrophages (TEMs) endowed with pro-angiogenic and immunosuppressive activities. These data also suggested that both activities might be regulated by the TIE2 ligand ANG2, a cytokine highly expressed in tumours. We demonstrated for the first time that targeting the ANG2/TIE2 pathway inhibits tumour angiogenesis, growth, and metastasis. In addition, we showed that blocking the ANG2/TIE2 pathway disables the pro-angiogenic activity of TEMs thus impeding the emergence of evasive resistance to anti-angiogenic therapy1 . We are now investigating whether the in vivo blockade of ANG2 in not only inhibiting the pro-angiogenic activity of TEMs, but also reverting their immunosuppressive activity, thus providing a strong rational for the development and testing of new combination therapies. The establishment of an immunosuppressive tumour microenvironment is one of the hallmarks of cancer and the major impediment to the successful application of anti-tumour immunotherapy. As an alternative strategy aimed at reverting the immunosuppressive microenvironment, we developed a cell- and gene-based delivery therapy able to inhibit primary and metastatic breast cancer in mouse and human hematochimeric models upon genetic engineering of human hematopoietic stem cells for targeted delivery of Interferon-α by tumor-infiltrating macrophages2,3. We are now combining this strategy with other immunotherapeutic approaches to best exploit the biological weapons of immunity and provide proof-of-feasibility of new therapy strategies.

  1. Mazzieri, R., F. Pucci, D. Moi, E. Zonari, A. Ranghetti, A. Berti, L.S. Politi, B. Gentner, J.L. Brown, L. Naldini, and M. De Palma. (2011) Targeting the ANG2/TIE2 axis inhibits tumour growth and metastasis by impairing angiogenesis and disabling rebounds of proangiogenic myeloid cells. Cancer cell. 19:512-526.
  2. De Palma*, M., R. Mazzieri*, L.S. Politi, F. Pucci, E. Zonari, G. Sitia, S. Mazzoleni, D. Moi, M.A. Venneri, S. Indraccolo, A. Falini, L.G. Guidotti, R. Galli, and L. Naldini. (2008) Tumour-targeted interferon‐alpha delivery by TIE2‐expressing monocytes inhibits tumour growth and metastasis. Cancer cell. 14:299-311. *These authors contributed equally to this work.
  3. Escobar G., D. Moi, A. Ranghetti, P. Ozkal-Baydin, M. L. Squadrito, A. Kajaste-Rudnitski, A. Bondanza, B. Gentner, M. De Palma, R. Mazzieri*, and L. Naldini*. (2013) Genetic Engineering of Hematopoiesis for Targeted IFN-α Delivery Inhibits Breast Cancer Progression. Science Translational Medicine. In press. *These authors share senior authorship